We have a new website! Please report any bugs, glitches, comments, & thoughts. We <3 feedback!

Forestry.io test

September 27, 2018

This is a test for forestry.io integration into library website. woohoo testestest


Development Readme, starter

May 14, 2018

Dev. Readme This post is an effort to unpack the process of making changes to the html, css, or other files that exist outside the netlify-managed editor. Lets go! git fetch -a git checkout master git pull git checkout -b “jeff_readme” [or other “name of branch”] DO SOMETHING git add -A git commit -m “” git push origin [“name of branch”]ub Run locally to test ​ “bundle exec jekyll serve” Head over to Github github.com/olinlibrary/library-website...


Training and Equipment

December 02, 2017

3D printer Cameras and Video Eqipment Sewing machines Vinal Cutter 3D printer Cameras and Video Eqipment


the Holiday Happening

December 02, 2017

2017 Invitation, including faculty photobooth from the first Happening, 2015
Here’s a different kind of page… I really don’t know what will be appropriate to put here. I think that there’s an image of Carment that’d suit quite well. Perhaps this on? Small interactive invite, courtesy of Adam Novotny. Goodnight. A Bear? So we had an interactive Bear. It began with a meeting and an amazon product. Happening Bear Code, Courtesy of Patrick Huston, ‘18 Create (and add) the most incongruous, but suprisingly relevant, mixed/multi-media...


Writing in Markdown

October 13, 2017

Posts are found in _posts > filename.md
Context This is a tutorial on how to write a Markdown post on our Winter ‘18 version of our website. Library.olin.edu is a Jekyll site, rendering Markdown files (huge hat tip here to Evan New-Schmidt ‘20). Jekyll allows you to turn plain Markdown text into static web pages. To get a picture of why Markdown exists (and why The Library’s using it), see John Gruber’s canonical post. To put it another way, we are dictating...


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